Friday, November 4, 2011

He invited me over to stay the night, then told me that he'd be going after someone else, that it was a mistake he had to make. i left, for good. never thought someone could actually be this cruel. keep asking myself why i chose this path to begin with, when i already knew what lay at the end of it. oh, right. love- it's such a pain in the ass.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

13-26 Oct 2011
It was so exhilarating, fast, passionate and quick to extinguish. i've never laughed as much, nor cried as much. i guess only he can make me this happy and upset at the same time. i thought i'd forgotten what it felt like to truly be alive, but he manages to pack so much emotion into a single look. it makes my heart beat quicker. i'm in love, and i'm heartbroken. lost in limbo and unsure of when the dust will begin to settle.

Monday, October 17, 2011

I'm sitting on my bed, naked, my head brimming with a million thoughts. feeling a little overwhelmed, but somehow certain that this is where i should be.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Two days ago i was so set on what i wanted in life.